Wednesday, March 12, 2014

3D Printing - The New Disruptive Technology

Report Adds 3D Printing to 12 Disruptive Techs for 2025

In an article for Disruptive Technology, the website on 3D Printing states:

In a forward-looking report, global research firm McKinsey has identified 3D printing as a 1 of 12 disruptive technologies that could deliver major economic impact to the global economy by 2025. 
According to McKinsey, 3D printing will have an impact on consumer sectors that place a premium on highly customizable products.  Some of these industries include toys, jewellery and footwear. In fact, McKinsey believes that by 2025 global sales of 3D printed products in these industries alone lay somewhere between $230-550 billion per year.
While McKinsey’s report is high on 3D printing becoming a force in the production of consumer goods, their report is a bit less enthusiastic about the technologies impact on high-volume production. “Even in 2025, traditional manufacturing will almost certainly have a large cost advantage over additive manufacturing for most high volume products.” The report goes on to state, “The large majority of parts will still be manufactured more efficiently with techniques such as injection moulding. 3D printing however, has the potential to create significant value be shortening setup times, eliminating tooling errors, and producing mould that can actually increase the productivity of the injection moulding process.” (ENGINEERING, 2013)
In a similar article ‘3-D printing: The next disruptive technology’, published in BizTimes, states:
3-D printing could be a game-changer...
3-D printing is quickly emerging as the next great disruptive technology for consumers and businesses across the globe.

While 3-D printing has been around for some time, primarily with plastics, ground-breaking work is being done to bring the technology, also referred to as "additive manufacturing," into its next phase of development.
The latest examples of this ground-breaking work are breath-taking:
•NASA has successfully tested a part of a rocket engine made through 3-D printing, has plans to send a 3-D printer to the International Space Station in 2014 and is even working with a private company to 3-D print a pizza
•Companies are developing ways to 3-D "bioprint" human tissue such as blood vessels and organs.
•A start up company in Missouri is developing ways to 3-D bioprint meat.
•A Dutch firm is in the process of 3-D printing an entire house.
The McKinsey Global Institute named 3-D printing as one of 12 disruptive technologies that will transform life, business and the global economy by 2025.
In this year's State of the Union address, President Barack Obama said 3-D printing "has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything." Last year, the Obama administration and the U.S. Department of Defense awarded $30 million to establish the public-private National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NAMII) in Youngstown, Ohio.
NAMII director Ed Morris called 3-D printing technology this generation's "moon shot moment," in a recent CNBC article.
The world of business and finance is beginning to take note of the emergence of this technology, as well. On Aug. 26, Citigroup analyst Kenneth Wong wrote, according to the Wall Street Journal, that the 3-D printing market "is on the cusp of seeing much broader adoption," which could triple the size of the market within five years. (BIZTIMES, 2013)
"3-D printing: The next disruptive technology",, 16th September 2013. Retrieved: 12th Mar. 2014 from;

"Report Adds 3D Printing to 12 Disruptive Techs for 2025",, 31st May 2013. Retrieved: 12th Mar. 2014 from;

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