Monday, March 10, 2014

3D printing is just a fad? Wallstreet thinks otherwise.

While we keep talking about the impact of 3D printing on different fields of society, the most obvious one (and in our world also a sufficiently good indicator for the general success of a technology) is the impact on the financial world. 

As Panos Mourdourkoutas points out in a short piece on general market developments, four major 3D printing companies traded at Wallstreet grew value at the dreamy rates of 150% to 370%. 

The question is however if these companies are just riding on a wave of technology-overvaluation that seems to become more and more obvious with venture capital money being thrown at startups and acquisitions being carried out at ridiculously high prices? Or are we seeing the beginning of a massive multi-trillion market developing (and better should start throwing our own money at those stocks)? Could 3D printing be the new money printing (puns abound)? 


  1. Early share acquistions in 3D Printing companies would seem to be a good investment at the moment, looking at the stats quickly of 150% to 370%. But caution and due diligence would definitely be required, to make sure that the company is not planning on going into any illegal areas of operation, that can leave investors empty handed after large investments...

  2. Early stages of a new technology always warrant high risk with high potential payout. But I think by now the technology is validated enough to be a good bet in general. The question is only, which company will make the race.

  3. Agreed. The trick now is to figure out which company...
