Wednesday, February 19, 2014

An introduction to 3D printing

Here is a video by PBS about 3D printing and how it is starting to revolutionise customer behaviours.
It also discusses possible applications in science and medicine. 3D printed organs would for example solve many of the organ shortage and transplant problems and 3D printed aids could be directly customised to patients onsite.

Source: PBS YouTube Channel

From 3D printing pens to industrial size 3D printers, 3D printers already come in many shapes and sizes today. Some additional materials are being added to newer printers, some even print sugar or fabric: there are many customisations possible on this one product.
The adoption of 3D printers in households and the introduction of this way of customising the highly standardised manufacturing industry would drastically expand the competition in many industries that compete on price and design.

1 comment:

  1. ShapeWays looks to be a type of company that will spring up in numerous countries with 3D printing. You can bring any product to them, they will make the 3D image and mass produce if required. No inventory, no Vendor Capitalists required, no area for stock holding, no worries as print is on demand...could change a lot of business models!
